(Subseqeunces) Limit Superior and Limit InferiorReal Analysis 2022. 8. 1. 14:10
1. divergence, the improper accumulation value
2. limsup, liminf definition
3. limsup, liminf lemma
- Because the sequence is monotonically decreasing and bounded, we also know that the limit is going to be the same thing as the infimum of sup s_k
No matter how big number k is, the largest accumulation value is not changed.
Another definition of limsup and liminf 위랑 같은 식 4. limsup, liminf lemma 2
극한의 정의와 유사하나 절대값이 아니고 infimum이 존재한다. - 11/22/17 The third version of the limsup definition underscores its relationship with the limit definition: replacing the requirement that a tail of the sequence remains within an epsilon strip (abs(s_n - L) < epsilon) with the weaker condition that it does not crash through the ceiling of that strip.
5. Examples for limsup and liminf
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